Eating Raw.

Chinese culture is fascinating, amazing people, lots to be proud of as a country and nation, I agree with all that, but this next video ... I am simply lost for words.

Chromecastic by Google !

Excellent piece of technology, affordable and useful for many. If you are one of this people still using their 10 inch thick LCD or Plasma TVs, and you are not planning to upgrade your TV in the near future, the only thing you need on you The Pride of the 2000’s TV, is working HDMI. Chrome cast is very reasonable investment, well worth it if you like to taste the taste of the new, and enjoy some of the modern spoils that come with the TVs sold this days. Here is an excellent detailed review of Chromecast by James Rivington of techradar. New, smart and functional tech excites me, and you?


How about we space travel today, from home?

Always fascinating, never fails to amaze, space and time, the toughs of what's out there. Creative YouTube user daveachuk present a unique chance for everyone to take a flight through the Milky Way. Since becoming operable in 2003, the Spitzer telescope has made gigabytes of high-resolution images of space and in particular our galaxy, the Milky Way, made in multiple wavelengths of light. 
Artist's conception of the Spitzer Space Telescope (NASA/JPL-Caltech)

The photos used in the video were taken by the Spitzer telescope during NASA’s ‘Glimpse Project’ and ‘MIPSGAL Project. To make this video, daveachuk processed and animated over 400,000 Spitzer photos to present a completely new view of space.